
Soft Buns

Home made yeast raised soft buns, warm and straight out of the oven, butter them for breakfast or eat with soups or salads. 






  • Soft Buns
    1. 4 1/2 cups flour
    2. 3 tablespoons honey
    3. 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
    4. 5 tablespoons olive oil
    5. 1 tablespoon yeast
    6. 1 1/2 cups milk
    7. Additional flour and oil for kneading and brushing.
    1. In a small bowl dissolve the yeast and 1/4 cup warm water. let is sit for 5 minutes.
    2. In a large bowl add the flour, honey and salt and oil and the yeast mix and milk. Stir and knead it will be sticky to begin with but as you kneed it will be smooth and soft dough, the softer the dough the better the lighter the buns will be. Kneed for 5 -10 minutes if you need more flour add tablespoon at a time. and more water if needed.
    3. Let the dough rise in an oiled bowl and cover for 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until it doubled in size.
    4. Divid the dough in to 12 portions. shape each into a ball and place in a oiled baking sheet. cover with a plastic wrap or a towel and leave to rise for until puffs up about an hour.
    5. Preheat the over to 425f 220c
    6. Bake for about 20 minutes or until golden
    Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/
    Roodhida yaryar ee jilicsan
    Waxa loo baahanyahay
    1. 4 1/2 koob daqiiq
    2. 3 malqaacadood malab
    3. 1 1/2 malqaacad yar milix
    4. 5 malqaacadood saliid saytuun (olive oil)
    5. 1 maqaacad yiist (yeast)
    6. Daqiiq iyo saliid dheeraad ah, oo loobaahanyahay marka laxashayo
    Habka loo samaynaayo
    1. Yiista iyo 1/4 (rubuc) koob biyo aha isku walaaq yara dhig
    2. 5 mirir.
    3. Kadib soo qaado Weel ama madiibad weyn oo aad ku xashto
    4. dhaqiiqda. Daqiiqda, malabka, milixda, saliida, caanaha iyo yiista
    5. kuwada shub oo walaaq badadeed xash oo marka hore way
    6. isku dhaqdhagi laakiin markaad xashtid ayuu kabi'i doonaa.
    7. Inyar oo daqiiqa kudar hadii uu kaa jilco, hadii uu adkaadana
    8. biyo yar kudar.
    9. Daqiiqdu waa in ay jilicsanaataa, hadhow markaa roodhida
    10. ayaa noqonaysa roodhi khafiif ah oo jilicsan.
    11. Dabool oo meel dhig si ay ufaxdo ilaa saacad saacad iyo badh
    12. waa in ay is laba laabtaa, kolba kii soo horeeya.
    13. Kadib u qaybi daqiiqda 12 xabadood.
    14. Sidii kubada oo kale uyara xash markaa, weel balaadhan
    15. soo qaado oo kuwadarid. Meel yara kulul dhig oo sug ilaa saacad inta ay faxayaan.
    16. Ofinka sii diiri oo ka dhig 425f ama 220c
    17. Waxay qaadanaysaa ilaa 20 mirir markaad aragto oo ay dusha
    18. kashaaxido kasaar ofinka oo yara daa ilaa ay qaboobayso.
    Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/
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