
Tuna Sambusa

Tuna Sambusa triangular shaped stuffed pastry,  filled with tuna and vegetable mixture, wrapped with  home made pastry dough deep fried until golden. 





































Tuna Sambusa
  1. for the Sambusa filling
  2. 1 small onion, chopped
  3. 2 cans of tuna, drained
  4. 1 tablespoon cilantro,chopped
  5. 1 large potato, finely chopped
  6. 2 teaspoons tomato-paste
  7. salt and pepper to taste
  8. 1 teaspoon coriander powder
  9. 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  10. 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Sambuusa dough
  1. 2 cups flour
  2. 2 tablespoon oil
  3. salt
  4. water 3/4 - 1 cup
  5. In a bowl add the flour and oil add warm water a little at a time to make pliable dough.
  6. knead the dough for 5 minutes on floured surface until the dough is smooth.
  7. Cover and set aside for 20-30 minutes.
  1. to make the dough
  2. In a bowl add the flour and oil add warm water a little at a time to make pliable dough.
  3. knead the dough for 5 minutes on floured surface until the dough is smooth.
  4. Cover and set aside for 20-30 minutes.
to make the sambusa filling
  1. Sambusa Filling
  2. Heat the oil in a skillet , Sautee onion until soft about 2 minutes, add garlic and potatoes,tuna, tomato paste and the spices stir gently to combine for 3 minutes, season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook, covered until potatoes are tender add little water if needed. Remove from heat add the cilantro/coriander leaves, and mix until combined.
  3. Let the filling cool completely, before assembling.
  1. Divide the dough in to 12 portions, roll each out 8 inch, then cut each circle in half.
  2. Take on piece and fold like cone and seal the two edges with a little water or a flour paste (few tablespoon of water and flour mixed).
  3. Fill with the tuna filling, seal the top edges with water or flour-water mixture.
  4. then pinch making sure there are no holes, repeat with the remaining dough and filling.
  5. Deep fry until golden, serve warm.
Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/


Sambuuse iyo Kaluun
Waxa loo baahanyahay
  1. Sanuunada kaluunka
  2. 1 basal yar oo lajarjaray
  3. 2 daasadood kaluun tunaha, saliida ka miir
  4. 1 malqaacad kamasaro, lagoogooyay
  5. 1 baradho oo weyn
  6. 2 malqaacadoo yaryar tamaandho gurgur/shiidshiid
  7. milix iyo filfil
  8. 1 malqaaacad yar geego adari
  9. 1/2 malqaacad yar huruud
  10. 1 malqaacad basbaas cas
Daqiiqda Sambuusaha
  1. 2 koob oo daqiiqah
  2. 2 malqaacadood saliid
  3. milix yar
  4. biyo ilaa koob
Habka loo samaynaayo
Sanuunada kaluunka
  1. Dabka maqlisaar, saliida kushub markay diirto basasha kushub oo shaaxidi.
  2. Toonta kudar iyo baradhada
  3. tunaha, tamaandhada iyo geedaha, huruuda iyo basbaaska.
  4. Milix iyo filfil ku dar.
  5. Dabool si ay baradhadu u bislaato
  6. biyo yar dudhibqi hadii loo baahdo.
  7. Kaqaad dabka markay baradhadu jilicdo, kamasarada kudar oo
  8. yara walaaq.
Daqiiqda sambuusaha
  1. weel godan ama madiibad soo qaado kushub daqiiqda saliida iyo milixda
  2. Biyaha markaliya hakushubin ee aad yar kolba kushub inyar oo
  3. biyo ah deedna xash daqiiqda ilaa 5 mirir si ay u jilicdo.
  4. Dabool oo sug ilaa 20 - 30 mirir.
  5. Daqiiqdii laxashay soo qaado u qaybi 12 xabadood. Xabad
  6. soo qaado lawax ka dhig ilaa 20cm, dabadeed laba uqaybi.
  7. Mid sooqaado oo sida loo laablaabayo ka eego sawirka, adigoo
  8. gacanta ku soo qaadaya u laab sidii sadexgees oo kale.
  9. biyo ama daqiiqyar oo biyo lagu walaaqay mari si ay ikugu
  10. dhagto. Malqaacad kaluuna ku buuxi.
  11. Dusha sare soo laab markaad biyo ama daqiiq marisid.
  12. markaad sidaa u wada laabtid.
  13. Saliida dabka saar oo dabdhexdhexaad ku shiil ilaa inta
  14. u shaaxidaayo.
Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/


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